Gems Medical Staffing


PolicyNo:                 GEMS ADM 10


Monitoring of Credentials for Clinicians

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Approval Date:         7/1/2022
Review Dates:


  • SCOPE:

This policy applies to GEMS Medical staffing.


The purpose of the policy is to define the process for credentialing its clinical staff so that relevant and current data is used as the basis for hiring and placement decisions by GEMS Medical Staffing and its Clients. GEMS Medical Staffing Administrative and credentialing staff has overall responsibility for vetting clinicians’ credentials.


The credentialing process will confirm the identity of the clinical provider,validate that the credentials are current and confirm that the applicant has the current competencies for assignment placement.

  • Facility Implementation
    • GEMS Medical Staffing will establish a credentialing process for Clinicians in conjunction with The Joint Commission, Federal and State requirements.
    • The credentialing process will be based upon the information gathered in the process and any additional information needed to confirm that the clinician has the documented competencies to perform in assigned placement. Placements are not only granted based on qualifications. Clinicians will only provide services within the scope of their practice.
    • The evaluation process will be heavy on the quality of the clinicians performance in relation to clinical skills and information from the facility performance improvement data.
  • Responsible Person

GEMS Medical Staffing administrative staff are responsible for ensuring that all personnel adhere to the requirements of this policy that these procedures are implemented and followed, and instances of non-compliance with this policy are reported to the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operations Officer

  • Auditing and Monitoring

The Clinical Operations Department will monitor compliance with regulatory and accreditation standards and this policy as part of the Comprehensive Agency Audits. Audit Services will audit compliance with this policy as part of its routine Agency audits.

  • Enforcement

All employees whose responsibilities are affected by this policy are expected to be familiar with the basic procedures and responsibilities created by this policy. Failure to comply with this policy will be subject to appropriate performance management pursuant to all applicable policies and procedures, up to and including termination. Such performance management may also include

modification of compensation, including any merit or discretionary

compensation awards, as allowed by applicable law.


– The Joint Commission Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals, Medical Staff Standards

PolicyNo:                 GEMS ADM 15


Record Management

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Approval Date:         7/1/2022
Review Dates:
  • Scope:

This policy applies to GEMS Medical Staffing

  •  Purpose:

To ensure 1) compliance with all applicable laws and regulations mandating retention of

certain types of records, 2) organizational efficiency by ensuring that information of

business value is readily accessible, and 3) the reduction of operational costs by

eliminating storage cost of unneeded records.

  •  Definitions:

Official Record: The final version of a record that reflects the position or official business

of the company and must be retained for the official records retention period for those

record classes/types described in the Records Retention Schedule.

Record: For purposes of this policy, any recorded information, regardless of format or media.

Record Destruction: The process of totally obliterating information on records by any method to make the information unreadable and unusable under any circumstances.

Recorded Information: Information recorded in analog or digital formats that does not constitute a “record”, as defined above. This material may include drafts, electronic mail, chats, voice mail, etc.

Records Retention Schedule: The published list of all Record groups and the period of

time for retaining those records.

Unofficial Record: Any duplicate copies of records, drafts, reference materials, working files, etc., that are for convenience or reference purposes and are not designated as an Official Record.

  1. Policy:

All records must be maintained by appropriate and secure storage methods (physical, electronic, etc.), retained for the period established by the Records Retention Schedule and properly destroyed when their retention period is over. The current version of the Records Retention Schedule can be accessed through our website under the Policy and Procedures section.

Create only those records that are needed for the operation of the company and utilize

records management technologies such as digital electronic imaging systems and

electronic document management systems for appropriate applications when applicable.

Such records are the property of the company and no employee has any personal or

property right to the records of the company including those records that the employee

helped develop or compile.

All Unofficial Records (either physical or electronic) shall be destroyed in a timely

manner in accordance with any specific policy or procedure, but no later than the

prescribed retention for Unofficial Records in the Records Retention Schedule.

Due to the large number of transactions involving email, the following shall apply:

  1. Emails created or received are considered an Unofficial Record until an

the employee determines that it is an Official Record that requires retention.

  1. For emails deemed Official Records by an employee, the employee is to

transfer the email onto a company-approved electronic document management

system as specified in any policy or procedure document as applicable.

  1.  Procedure:

This policy may be suspended in whole or in part at any time if circumstances arise – such as litigation, government investigations, or audits which legally require the retention of records that might otherwise be subject to disposal.

All records or documents (regardless of format – paper or electronic) that are required to be retained as outlined in the Records Retention Schedule are to be retained in a secure location accessible by others to allow access when needed (e.g., department shared drive, SharePoint site, approved electronic document management system, or department filing cabinets) and shall not be retained on any external/removable drive, desktop/laptop computer, or any other individual user storage space. However, working duplicate copies of Official Records may reside on individual PC/laptop hard drives or other individual external storage devices, as well as an individual user storage space.

Official electronic records are to be retained for their required retention period by transferring the electronic record onto an approved electronic document management system such as a department shared drive, or as specified in the company’s policy or procedure.

  1.  Enforcement:

All employees whose responsibilities are affected by this policy are expected to be familiar with the basic procedures and responsibilities created by this policy. Failure to comply with this policy will be subject to appropriate performance management pursuant to all applicable policies and procedures, up to and including termination. Such performance management may also include modification of compensation, including any merit or discretionary compensation awards, as allowed by applicable law.

PolicyNo:                 GEMS ADM 20


Worker’s Compensation

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Approval Date:         7/1/2022
Review Dates:


This policy applies to GEMS Medical Staffing.


To provide GEMS Medical Staffing. employees and supervisors with guidelines regarding our compliance with all state and federal regulations pertaining to Workers’ Compensation.


  1. . An employee who is off work for three days or more for a work related injury, illness or exposure may use available PTO (Paid Time Off) hours for the state mandated three day waiting period.
  2. If the employee is hospitalized, benefits begin immediately upon hospitalization and are paid according to rates set by the state legislature. There is no waiting period.
  3. Employees who sustain work-related injuries. illnesses or exposures should inform their

supervisor immediately. Failure to promptly report incidents can result in a delay of benefits being paid or services provided.



  1. Report any work-related injury, illness or exposure to the director, manager, supervisor or charge person immediately after the incident.
  2. Once the employee has reported the injury, illness or exposure to the appropriate supervisory person, the employee needs to complete the Injured Worker Injury or Exposure Report form on you connect teams app
  3. After completing the Injured Worker Injury or Exposure Report, the employee should report to employee health to have the injury assessed if it is during employee health working hours.
  4. When HR is closed, the employee should contact the hospital nursing supervisor for assistance. The employee should NOT seek treatment with his or her own physician.


  1. Upon learning of a work related employee incident, immediately have the employee complete the Injured Worker Injury or Exposure Report form and send them to the Agency for evaluation.
  2. Direct the employee for immediate medical care and treatment, if

required, to the Emergency Room. The employee needs to report to the Agency, with all paperwork,the next business day. They will assess and coordinate the need for ongoing medical care through worker’s compensation.

  1. The house supervisor will contact the Agency or designee immediately of any fatalities or hospitalizations of injured workers that occur.

The Agency

  1.  The Agency or designee will see all employees during working hours who report a work related injury, illness or exposure and triage the incident according to the level of care needed.
  2.  Explain to the injured worker the need for follow up and that medical care must be coordinated by the Agency. Employees should be advised that they are NOT to seek care from their own physicians or other providers.
  3. If ongoing medical care is needed, the Agency will make the necessary appointments with preferred providers and advise the injured worker and injured worker’s supervisor.
  4.  Administer and process all workers’ compensation claims and report claims to TPA (Third Party Administrator) with exception of first aid/report only cases.
  5.  Explain all benefits that are available to the injured worker including Transitional (modified) Duty if indicated.
  6. The Agency or designee is available by pager 24/7 through the hospital operator and will be responsible to notify OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) for any reportable injury within the required guidelines, listed below
  1. All work related fatalities reported within 8 hours (that occur within 30 days of the


  1. All work related inpatient hospitalizations, all amputations and all losses of an eye reported within 24 hours (that occur within 24 hours of incident)
PolicyNo:                 GEMS ADM 25



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Approval Date:         7/1/2022
Review Dates:
  1. SCOPE:

This policy applies to GEMS Medical Staffing, all departments, staff,

and affiliated clinics.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure new employees are informed about the company’s

Standards of Conduct and facilities policies and procedures including those related to

health and safety in the workplace.


  1. It is the policy of GEMS Medical Staffing. to require all employees to attend

a program of general orientation at the start of employment with a client facility. The

content for general orientation is a product of collaboration between Human Resources,

Education Services, and department leaders to ensure regulatory requirements are met.

  1. An employee is defined as any individual receiving a paycheck from or anyone

who has an employee type relationship with GEMS Medical Staffing. This

includes full-time, part-time, contract and temporary employees as well as rehires

and transfers from other Tenet facilities.

  1. Volunteers will be scheduled to attend the sessions involved with environment and life


  1. Each employee is required to complete a Pre-General Orientation course at the

time of hire as well as attend a general orientation program.

  1. Continued employment is conditional on attendance at general orientation,

non-compliance will be considered possible grounds for suspension and/or


  1. During the employee orientation, necessary information is provided to prepare the

employee to be knowledgeable about the facility, governing rules, regulations, and

policies as well as information concerning GEMS Medical Staffing.

including its history, philosophy, organizational structure and mission. Additionally,

information is provided to make the employees aware of all health and safety

issues, rules, and regulations regarding patient care and safety, employee conduct,

and work rules.

  1. An annual safety review is also established by the facility. All employees will be

required to comply with the annual safety review and demonstrate their knowledge

of the topics covered.



  1. Arrange with Human Resources to complete the general orientation prior to beginning


  1. Access the on-line on-boarding portal to complete assigned tasks within one week of

hire date.

  1. Sign the acknowledgement form confirming completion of the orientation.
  2. Complete initial and annual ethics programs within a timely manner. Ethics

programs are accessible via the facility’s on-line learning management system.

Human Resources Department

  1. Ensure the completion of general orientation is recorded on an attendance

sheet and a copy is maintained in each employee’s file.

  1. Ensure employees have received and reviewed information regarding Human

Resources and facility policies and procedures including, but not limited to the


  1. Appearance and Hygiene Policy
  2. General Facility Orientation
  3. Fire/Safety/Disaster Plans
  4. Fair Treatment Process
  5. Employee Conduct and Work Rules
  6. GEMS Mission, Vision, and Values
  7. Attendance and Punctuality
  8. Abuse Reporting
  9. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
  10. Identification Badge
  11. Staff Rights
  12. Timekeeping
PolicyNo:                 GEMS ADM 30


Pay Deductions

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Approval Date:         7/1/2022
Review Dates:


This policy applies to GEMS Medical Staffing, all departments, staff, and affiliated clinics.


To provide appropriate guidelines for voluntary or legally-required deductions from an employee’s pay.


The law requires that certain deductions be made from every employee’s compensation. Among these are applicable federal, state, and local income taxes. Social Security taxes on each employee’s earnings also must be deducted up to a specified limit called the Social Security “wage base”. The company matches the amount of Social Security taxes paid by each employee.GEMS Medical Staffing offers programs and benefits beyond those required by law.

Eligible employees may voluntarily authorize deductions from their paychecks to cover the costs of participation in these programs.



  1. Address any questions concerning deductions from paychecks or how they were calculated to your supervisor.
  2. Complete the appropriate form(s) as designated by the facility for voluntary payroll deductions

(such as those for employee benefits programs, charitable contributions, etc.).

Human Resources

  1. Collect a signed and dated written authorization from the employee in advance of any specific wage deduction under applicable law.
  2. Retain original authorization in the employee’s personnel file and forward a copy to the Payroll Department.
  3. Consult with the Legal Department before determining whether or not a payroll deduction will be used to recover debt owed to the facility by an employee.
PolicyNo:                 GEMS ADM 35


Access to Personnel Records

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Approval Date:         7/1/2022
Review Dates:


This policy applies to GEMS Medical Staffing.


To provide supervisors and employees with appropriate guidelines regarding the management of personnel records and the release of employee information.


  1. The Human Resources Department maintains a personnel file on each employee. The personnel file includes such information as the employee’s job application, resume, documentation of performance appraisals, salary increases, and other employment records.
  2. Personnel files are the property of GEMS Medical Staffing and are confidential. Access to the information they contain is restricted. Generally, only supervisors and management personnel of the facility who have a legitimate reason to review information in a file are allowed to do so.
  3. Employees may request to review their own personnel files, given reasonable advance notice, in the Human Resources department. The Agency is not required to provide employees copies of materials contained in their own personnel files, except as required by law which allows copies of anything employees sign.
  4. All requests for employee information, including subpoenas, requests for verification and the like, must be immediately referred to the Human Resources Department. Generally, the agency will respond to routine requests for such information as authorized by the employee or as required by law.



  1. Use appropriate care and security in handling employee personnel records.
  2. Forward appropriate documents to the Human Resources Department for maintenance of employee records in a central, secure location.
  3. Refer any requests for employee information to the Human Resources Department.
  4. Administer the release of information pursuant to this policy.

Human Resources

  1. Provide advice to managers on the confidentiality of employment files and records.
  2.  Maintain a personnel file on each employee.
  3.  Maintain a separate file containing any medical information and/or records, and maintain the confidentiality of such file.
  4. Control the release of all employment information and provide counsel to all personnel regarding this policy.
PolicyNo:                 GEMS ADM 35


Handling Absences and Non-Work Related Medical Restrictions

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Approval Date:         7/1/2022
Review Dates:
  1. SCOPE:

This policy applies to GEMS Medical Staffing


To delineate the process used for handling absences and non-work related medical release to

or from work activities.


  1. Any employee who is returning to work following an illness or injury needs to be

seen by Employee Occupational Health and be cleared to work by them before they

are allowed to work.

  1. An e-mail will be sent to the employee’s manager/director indicating they have been

seen and clearance has been granted.

  1. If the employee is returning from a leave of absence (LOA), then Employee

Occupational Health will clear the employee through the LOA Administrator and the

LOA Administrator will notify the employee’s Director/ Manager of the clearance.

  1.  Any employee who presents to work following an injury or illness who has been off

work for three (3) or more shifts (does not need to be consecutive days) will be

required to present Employee Occupational Health an original physician’s release to


  1. Faxed copies for return to work will ONLY be accepted in extenuating


  1. This release needs to be from their treating physician stating the dates

covering the time off and whether returning to work with or without

restrictions. This release needs to be from the treating physician and should

be dated within two (2) weeks of the return to work date. The release

should state the dates covering the time off and whether returning to work

with or without restrictions.

  1. If work restrictions are stated, the restrictions need to be specific and have

a starting and ending date. The release needs to be from their treating

physician stating that the dates covering the time off and whether returning

to work with or without restrictions.

  1. If work restrictions are stated, the restrictions stated must be specific and

have a starting and ending date. The release from the treating physician

should be dated within two (2) weeks of the effective return to work date.

A medical release may also be required by the supervisor, manager/director or

Employee Health services when there is concern about the pattern of sick time used

or the ability of the employee to perform the essential function of their job


  1. Before actual return to work, the employee will contact Employee Occupational

Health to schedule time for a return to work assessment, bringing with him/her the

original treating physician’s release to return to work.

  1. Each release will be evaluated according to the essential functions of the employee’s

job description. The employee may be asked to sign a release for Employee Health to

contact the treating physician to confirm and to clarify any written information


  1. If there is concern by Employee Occupational Health, in consultation with the

Medical Director of Employee Health, about the employee’s ability to perform the

essential functions of their job, they may also be scheduled for a fitness for duty

assessment to determine if there are deficits that might preclude them from

performing their job and or be asked to obtain clarification from their MD

regarding ability to perform essential job functions.

  1. Work restrictions that do not conflict with an employee’s job description will be

allowed to return to their usual job.

  1. Work restrictions that do conflict with the employee’s essential job functions or

which pose a risk to others WILL NOT be allowed to return to their usual job for

the duration of the work restrictions and will need to be placed on a leave of

absence. Refer to the leave of absence policy for more information.

PolicyNo:                 GEMS ADM 40


Attendance and Punctuality

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Approval Date:         7/1/2022
Review Dates:
  1. SCOPE

This policy applies to all staff of GEMS Medical Staffing.


To define hospital policy regarding employee attendance and punctuality.


To maintain a safe and productive work environment, the Hospital expects employees to be

reliable and punctual in reporting for scheduled work. Absenteeism and tardiness place an

undue burden on the Client facility and its employees. In the rare circumstance when employees

cannot avoid being late to work or are unable to work as scheduled, they must follow the

department’s current practice of notifying their immediate supervisor as soon as possible in advance of the anticipated tardiness or absence. Excessive

absenteeism and tardiness are disruptive and will lead to corrective action and may include

termination of employment. Disciplinary action will be progressive and may include

termination should there be an excessive number of absences and/or tardiness.


Attendance Standard

Employees are responsible for reporting to work each day that they are scheduled and

maintaining a satisfactory level of attendance and punctuality. It is recognized there may

be occasions when an employee may need an absence from work due to illness or other

reason. Excessive occurrences of absences or tardiness may result in disciplinary action up

to and including termination from employment.


Each incidence of absenteeism or tardiness will be assigned a point value. If an

employee reaches or exceeds the allowable points within a rolling year, the employee will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined within this policy.

  1. Scheduled Absence – A scheduled absence is defined as an absence which has been requested by the employee and approved by the supervisor in advance of the time off (vacation, jury duty, personal appointment or other reason).
  2. Unscheduled Absence – An unscheduled absence is defined as an absence in

which the employee does not obtain advance approval for the absence as described above.

  1. Occurrence (1 point) – A single day of an unscheduled absence or consecutive days of an unscheduled absence uninterrupted by a return to work. Absences covered by law or Company policy (i.e.: FMLA, KinCare, Jury Duty, Bereavement, etc.) are not considered occurrences under this policy. Not completing a shift in its entirety will be considered a partial unscheduled

absence and result in a half point (1/2).

  1. Tardiness (1/2 point) – Defined as reporting for scheduled work one (1) minute or more after the scheduled work shift begins or leaving prior to the end of the required shift without prior authorization. Each tardy will be assigned a 1/2 point value regardless if they are on consecutive days.
  2. Excessive Absenteeism/Tardiness – A compilation of points as a result of absences and/or tardies during a rolling year, which exceed the maximum amount allowed under this policy.
  3. Rolling Year – A rolling year is defined as today and the 364 immediately preceding days, not to exceed more than 365 days (366 days in a leap year). Example: July 4, 2020 to July 3, 2021.

Corrective Actions

  1. Unscheduled Absence

Employees calling their supervisor or the One Call Center to inform them that

they will not be able to report for their scheduled work assignment (i.e.,

personal illness), are required to do so at least two (2) hours prior to the start of

their assignment.

  1. Excessive Absenteeism

Excessive absenteeism will result in corrective action. A compilation of

six (6) points (any combination of absences or tardiness) during a rolling

year will result in progressive discipline, up to and including termination.

The supervisor discusses attendance standards with employee as

appropriate. Corrective action shall include:

  1. Verbal conference will occur as a result of the employee accumulating six (6) Points.
  2. First Written conference will occur as a result of the employee accumulating seven (7) points.
  3. Second Written conference will occur as a result of the employee accumulating eight (8) points.
  4.  Final Written warning will occur as a result of the employee accumulating nine (9) points.
  5. Termination of employment may occur as a result of the employee accumulating ten (10) points. Example of incidences that would lead to progressive discipline:
  • Employee has four (4) occurrences of absenteeism = 4 points, and is tardy four (4) times = 2 points. Total = six (6) points, and the appropriate step of discipline is in order. In this example a verbal record of the conference would be issued.
  1. No Call/No Show
  1. It will be considered a voluntary resignation on the part of any employee who does not report to work for two (2) scheduled workdays; consecutive or not with no notification to the supervisor or One Call Center.
  1. Tardiness
  1. Excessive tardiness will result in corrective action as defined in Section C above. Each tardy will be assigned a separate point value regardless if they are on consecutive days.
  1. Absence Patterns
  1. Employees will be considered to have a pattern of absences if their absences tend to occur immediately before or after scheduled days off, occur at regular intervals or on consistent days, before and/or after holidays or occur immediately following a disciplinary action, or occur on days that the employee requested off, but was denied such request. Patterned absences will be considered excessive and may result in corrective action in accordance with section C of this policy unless permitted by applicable law.
  1. Record of Conference Severity
  1. The record of conference (i.e. Verbal, First Written, Second Written, and Final Warning) will remain in the employee file for twelve (12) months from the date of issuance. The severity level of the record of conference will progress to the next degree based on the issuance date of the previous record of conference not to exceed the twelve (12) month period.


  1.  Employee
  1. Reports to work as scheduled. In case of absence, notifies One Call Center

(staffing office) and/or supervisor in accordance with guidelines outlined above.

  1. If eligible, accurately completes Absence Approval Form to request Paid Time-Off (PTO) before close of payroll, if desired.
  2. When an absence is to be extended (i.e., disability for medical reasons), requests a Leave of Absence in accordance with established guidelines.
  3. Supervisor
  4. Regularly reviews attendance of employees to identify potential problems.
  5. Follows the progressive disciplinary steps outlined in this policy. The goals of corrective actions are to notify the employee of a potential problem regarding attendance and to attempt to assist the employee in resolving the attendance problem.
  6. Prior to any termination action, the Director must consult with the HR officer or designee

Leave of Absence

  1. The various types of leaves that may be requested by the employee, and granted by

the Supervisor, are defined in the Leave of Absence Policy.

  1. Employees who are absent from work three (3) or more consecutive days must

have clearance from Employee Health Services before returning to work.

  1. Employees under the care of a physician and removed from work must obtain a

work release notice from the treating physician prior to returning to work.

Employees must present the return to duty notice to the agency

before returning to work.

  1. Eligible employees requesting a Leave of Absence (LOA) are required to contact

the agency at 323-922-5467 or email:

to complete the appropriate LOA paperwork.

  1. Employees returning from Leave of Absence must schedule a return to work

clearance meeting with the agency.

Kin Care

  1. Will be administered in accordance with Paid Time-Off (PTO) Policy.
PolicyNo:                 GEMS ADM 25


Personal Electronic Devices

Page:                             1 of 2
Approval Date:         7/1/2022
Review Dates:


This policy applies to all employees of GEMS Medical Staffing


To provide a therapeutic environment that is free of disturbances to the patients and their family

members/visitors due to the use of personal electronic devices in patient care and public areas.


Personal electronic devices: cell phones, personal computers, iPods, iPads, smartwatches, personal pagers, cameras, personal speakers, headsets/earbuds (bluetooth or traditional), etc.

Patient care area: any area where direct patient care is delivered including nurses’ stations

Public areas: elevators, hallways, waiting areas, etc.


Personal electronic device usage, while on duty, is limited to specific guidelines:

  1.  Personal electronic device usage by employees must not interfere with their work and shall be restricted to non-patient care and non-public areas.
  2. Personal electronic devices must be kept at all times on vibrate or silent mode to prevent workflow disruptions.
  3. Personal electronic devices shall be used only during breaks and/or meal periods.
  4.  In order to protect the confidentiality of our patients and employees and ensure HIPAA

compliance, the taking of photographs or the recording of conversations using cell phones,cameras, or similar devices in the workplace is strictly prohibited, unless specifically approved by the facility.


  1. Personal calls or texting during work time shall be limited to a minimum and for emergencies only. Relatives and friends are to be discouraged from calling for non-emergent matters during work hours.
  2. In the event of an emergency and a personal call must be received/made:
  1. Finish the patient care procedure/activity in progress
  2. Leave the patient care room/procedure area to maintain employee privacy and to reduce potential unit operational disturbance
  3. Before returning the call, inform your immediate supervisor
  4. Limit the time spent on the telephone, so as not to hinder patient care or unit operation
  5. Employees who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment
  1. Supervisors
  1.  Promptly document the occurrence of an unacceptable behavior or actions in

writing and immediately contact the Human Resources Officer or Administrative

Team member, as appropriate. Meet with the employee to discuss the facts

surrounding the policy violation and describe any necessary corrective action.

  1.  Report any corrective, remedial, or disciplinary action to the Human Resources

Officer or his/her designee.

  1. Facility Human Resources
  1. Investigate all reports of unacceptable conduct.
  2.  Promptly report to the agency and discuss the appropriate course of action.
  3.  If appropriate, meet with the agency and employee to resolve the issue.
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