Gems Medical Staffing

Frequently Asked Question


Have questions about travel nursing assignments or how to get started as a traveler? Check out our FAQ library that answers most asked questions.

Travel Nursing Questions And Answers!

Absolutely! We work with facilities nationwide and encourage you to apply for positions that interest you! Check out our  jobs page to see all the jobs with rates!

Minimum of 1 year of acute care experience in the US within the last 12 months.

Start Online at our jobs page and create your profile with GEMS Medical Staffing in minutes.

The most successful travel nurses are flexible, adapt easily, and are looking for an adventure.

While GEMS Medical Staffing offers many short and long-term travel nursing assignments, the standard length for travel nursing assignments is 13 to 26 weeks. This provides a nurse with the opportunity to extend or the freedom and flexibility to try a new location.

Travel nurses have an almost unlimited number of options when it comes to finding housing, our team will help you.

Travel Nursing Pay, Benefits, and Incentives

GEMS Medical Staffing offers day one insurance with one of the nation’s largest providers, United Healthcare. We are proud to offer four different healthcare plans to choose from plus we have dental and vision. GEMS Medical Staffing also offers 401k plans for all our employees with employer match. In addition, we offer completion bonuses for employees who complete their contract assignment.

Once you’re hired with GEMS Medical Staffing, you will receive an invitation to enroll in our 401k plan with our partner, Guidance. We have excellent options to choose from and encourage all of our employees to plan for their future.

Travel Nursing Basics

The first step is to create a profile with GEMS Medical Staffing which should take less than 8 minutes and can be completed at GEMS Medical Staffing. We’ll need a little information regarding your area of expertise, license as well as certification, skills assessment and references. Our qualified recruiters will work with you to ensure your profile is the best it can be, with the goal of a quick turnaround time for interviews.

The minimum experience requirements for travel nursing depends on many different factors. Your specialty, the facility, unit, and sometimes even the location. It is wise to have at least 18 months of acute care experience as most facilities offer one week or less for orientation. The expectation for travelers is to hit the ground running so the stronger your background, the easier it will be to acclimate to a position. It is our mission to create successful assignments for both the traveler and facility, we work with each candidate to find the best fit depending on previous experience.

Travel nurses need at least one year of acute care experience to be successful in this program, as most facilities offer one week or less for orientation. The expectation for travelers is to hit the ground running, so the stronger your background, the easier it will be to acclimate to a position. It is our mission to create successful assignments for both the traveler and facility.

All travelers with GEMS Medical Staffing must provide a valid license or certification, along with proof of your right to work in the U.S.. We will also need to verify previous employment with references from at least two supervisors.

The forecast is very bright for the nursing profession. Statistics predict that by 2020, the national need for travel nurses will have increased by 29%. Not only does travel nursing provide adventure and the chance for developing new specialized skills, it also provides financial stability.

The most successful travel nurses are flexible, with a positive outlook. They are excellent problem solvers, have strong clinical skills, and are quick learners.

Start dates are up to the traveler. If a profile is complete and the traveler is available to start right away, we will work to get you going as soon as possible. It is important to note that once an assignment has been accepted, we start with compliance requirements and follow JCAHO’s policies strictly. Start dates are up to the traveler. If a profile is complete and the traveler is available to start immediately, we will work tirelessly to get you an assignment as soon as possible. It is important to note that once an assignment has been accepted, we start with compliance requirements and start JCAHO’s policies strictly. The typical time from profile completion to the start of an assignment is about four weeks. However, it can be as short as four days, depending on the flexibility of the traveler and other variables.

Travel nurses are some of the hardest working individuals in the healthcare profession. Having such an occupation on your resume is an incredible opportunity that will definitely help you succeed. It shows you are flexible, adventurous, friendly, and intelligent. Travelling nurses also tend to have more certifications than staff nurses and demonstrate characteristics that staffing managers look for when hiring.

We represent RNs and Surgical Technologists who have at least one year of clinical experience in an acute care setting.

Travel Nursing Assignment Information

Travelers are expected to start immediately, which is why we vet our nurses and ensure we are finding the right fit for you. We work with the best and brightest travelers in the industry and our clients expect this when handing out assignments at work. This does not mean travelers always get the toughest assignments however the facility is typically very busy and understaffed so they rely so heavily on GEMS Medical Staffing and our high caliber of employees.

The age old saying “two heads are better than one” applies to travel nursing as well. We hope that work is only one part of the experience. Traveling with another nurse has proven to be a great asset. Many travel partners work in different units or on opposite shifts but share experiences with each other both in and out of the facility. It can be a fantastic way to cut housing costs as well as have a buddy ready to explore the new area.

Most travel assignments are 13 weeks long however contracts can range from 4 to 52 weeks depending on the facility needs and the traveler’s schedule. Our recruitment team will work with you and the facility near the middle of your assignment to gauge your desire to extend your contract at that facility. You may want to continue traveling but in another city, state or facility.

Each of our travel assignments are full time, based on a minimum of 36 hours per week. We have contracts for travelers for 40 as well as 48 hours per week and many of our facilities offer and encourage over time. We have terrific incentive programs for travelers interested in maximizing their pay each week.

We connect our travelers to units corresponding to experience however if a traveler would like to float to another unit or area we are happy to facilitate depending on a travelers level of expertise in conjunction with the facility’s policies.

Absolutely! Our commitment to both our travelers and facilities is to foster great connections. We have countless stories of nurses loving their assignments so much they find it difficult to leave. Finding the job is only the beginning. We are happy to extend travelers contracts so they can continue on at a facility, familiarize themselves with a location and make the most of their time before exploring a new city. We define our success by our high rate of extensions which demonstrates our ability to connect qualified healthcare professionals with excellent facilities.

Housing and Travel Information

We love pets and encourage you to bring along your favorite travel partner. Whether you book an Extended Stay with us or find a gem on your own we always welcome pets. If you are traveling to exotic locations like Hawaii make sure to check out quarantine rules that may apply. Other cities may have breed or weight limits, we’ll help you navigate to find an area that suits you best.

Yes, we provide up to $600 for travel expenses for each assignment. In order to qualify for tax-free reimbursement, we follow the IRS guidelines that require either receipts accounting for travel expenses or mileage reimbursement. We use the IRS standard mileage reimbursement rate.

Some cities have weight or breed restrictions, it is important to research before selecting an assignment if you are traveling with a pet. Other cities may have better access to care and services such as Way to help care for your pet while you are working.

It is a wonderful idea to bring your spouse, partner, friend, significant other, family members, and/or children. We love it when our travelers have someone to share their experiences with and in turn share their amazing memories with us. If you are traveling with more than just yourself it is always wise to take housing needs into consideration before accepting an assignment. Certain areas are more conducive to larger parties, but it shouldn’t ever be prohibitive.

Housing varies from location to location as well as a traveler’s requests. AirBnB, Craigslist, VRBO, Furnished Finder and Travelers Haven are fantastic resources to help secure reasonably priced housing. They can range from shared spaces to entire homes. Additionally, we receive requests from apartment complexes and rental companies nationwide on a daily basis with options since travelers are such desirable tenants. We’re happy to provide details for properties nationwide.

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